The pattern editor allows you to edit, create, listen to and save your own beat patterns for the Floordrum EVO Groove-Assist feature. In addition it allows you to save and load your individual Grooves as CSV files for sharing with other users or your own archive.
Given that one of the greatest difficulties for those who try to play a complete Groove with drums using only their feet, consists in playing a continuous Hi-hat during the performance, the Groove-Assist feature lends you a helping hand (or rather a helping foot). The pattern editor allows you to design and test precisely these Grooves
Two Groove-Assist tracks are available. Track1 is the main track which needs always be assigned if you want to use the GROOVE ASSIST feature. while TRACK2 is optional. For more information on how Track1 and Track2 can be used in the Floordrum refer to HELP menu included in the Floordrum EVO app or your printed Floordrum EVO user manual.
Two additional tracks (Track 3 and Track4) are added in the editor to help you design and test your Groove-Assist patterns, allowing you listen to them in a more meaningful way, adding Kick and Snare or any other instruments to complete the groove as you would do on the Floordrum itself.
The editor allows you to open your patterns settings by using the micro-SD card of the Floordrum EVO. Press BACKUP on the floordrum EVO app (this saves the latest settings to the SD card) and extract the micro-SD card from the floordrum and open the file named "patternSettings.txt" on the SD card in the editor.
listen to any grooves by pressing the PLAY button.
listen to the Floordrum EVO default patterns by choosing them in the examples dropdown menu.
Once you are happy with editing any Groove-Assist tracks you can save them again onto the micro-SD card of your floordrum EVO by pressing the "Save patternSettings.txt" button. After reinserting the SD card into the Floordrum EVO press the RESTORE button in the Floordrum EVO app to load the new patterns.
Export individual grooves as CSV (comma separated value) files for sharing with other users or your own archive using the Import / export tracks from /to a CSV file section
Note: the purpose of the editor is Not to create complete tracks for a Drum machine.
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The Floordrum includes 60 patterns among which a list of default patterns and a lot of "Blank" user patterns. All pattern, including the default ones can be edited and renamed to your liking.
There are two ways to listen to the default patterns :
Then from the pattern dropdown menu in Track1 choose any of the patterns in the list and press PLAY
Note that The Floordrum EVO allows you to have Groove Assist patterns with two Tracks that may be played either combine or toggled with a Footswitch. To listen to combined tracks load the second desired pattern to Track2, unmute the track and press PLAY. To toggle tracks use the TOGGLE switch on track1 next to its mute button.
The list of default patterns on the Floordrum is given below:
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Loading Floordrum patterns into the Editor
Press BACKUP on the floordrum EVO app (this saves the latest settings to the SD card) and extract the micro-SD card from the floordrum and open the file named "patternSettings.txt" on the SD card in the editor by clicking the open the patternSettings.txt file with the Browse button. (Note: there are also “patternSettings-day-month-year-hour-minute.txt” files on your SD-card correspond to previous backups. You can view and edit these as well if you like)
Editing Floordrum patterns
Once loaded a patternSettings.txt file choose the patterns you want to edit in the pattern dropdown menus in Track1 and eventually Track2.
The pattern grid is divided into sixteenths. This means that a measure of 4/4 is made up of 16 beats of 1/16 with only every fourth beeing used. For a 8/8 pattern every second beat would be used. Each beat can be assigned a specific volume or muted completely with the number zero. In addition each beat can be assigned a probability which dictates the probability with which the beat will occur. This allows for some degree of variation making the Groove more lifelike.
The Floordrum includes 60 patterns among which a list of default patterns and a lot of "Blank" user patterns. All pattern, including the default ones can be edited and renamed to your liking.
Similarly edit the Beat probabilities in row 3 of the track tables in the same way. Again values range from 0 to 100.
A value of 100 (default) means that the beat sound plays always (with 100% probability) during each measurem while a lower probability value means that the selected beat sound will play with the set probability, allowing for a more “virtuosic/natural", less "mechanic" feel of the groove.
Even beats that have zero volume need to have a positive probability. A probability of 0 is used only to define the end of the pattern. For quarter note, eight note and 16th note patterns none of the probabilities must be zero as all fit into the 16 division rythmic grid, while for 12/8th note patterns you need to set the probability value of the 13th beat to zero to indicate that this beat only has only 12 divisions instead of 16.
Choose the instruments you want to use for the pattern on the different tracks.
Note that instruments and BPM will not be saved in the "patternSettings.txt" file as on the Floordrum as these are properties of KITS on the Floordrum. Instruments must be set in the KIT-SETTINGS on the Floordrum while "patternSettings.txt" files just contain pattern beat volumes and probabilities and the pattern names. Also once you load on the floordrum your new pattens you might need to check the BPM, LEVEL, SENSIVITY and CURVE parameters for Track1 and Track2 of the newly loaded pattern.
Listen to the tracks, with or without added kick and snare or other instruments on Track3 and Track4.
If you want to play Track1 and Track2 combined (which is possible in the Floordrum) then assure that both are unmuted. If you want to listen to how it sound when you toggle Tracks1 and Track2 (which is what you would do with the Footswitch on the Floordrum) then use the toggle switch next to the track1 mute button.
Save your pattern modifications to the floordrum click “Save patternsSettings.txt” file onto your SD card or anywhere else on your computer.
To load the modified patterns into the floordrum obviously the patternSettings.txt file must be saved on the SD card, overwriting your last “patternsSettings.txt” file. After reinserting the SD card into the Floordrum pres the RESTORE button on the first page of the Floordrum app to activate the new patterns in the Floordrum. (RESTORE reads the backup files "patternSettings.txt" and "kitSettings.txt" files from the SD card into the Floordrum internal memory)
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You can load and save single Grooves for sharing with other users or for your archive using the Import / export tracks from /to a CSV file section.
To load a CSV Groove into the editor use the BROWSE button next to "Load your tracks CSV file".
Note that if you have already loaded a "patternSettings.txt" file in the editor the CSV tracks will overwrite the already present Track1 and Track2 so be sure to first select "blank" patterns in Track1 and Track2 using the pattern dropdown menus (such as for example "user pattern 12" for track1 and "user pattern 13" for track2) BEFORE you load a CSV file.
Eventually rename those tracks appropriately if you want to use the newly loaded patterns for your Floordrum before saving the whole settings as "patternSettings.txt" file
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The PLAY and STOP buttons are self-explaining. In addition you can set the beat per minutes BPM value in the field in the editor.
Note: the bpm will not be loaded into the floordrum..the pattern bpm on the floordrum is set either on the fly by a count in on a specific pad or by setting its value using the BPM button in the Floordrum EVO app and is associated to a specific kit rather than a pattern
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An INFO line in the editor indicates the version of the Floordrum firmware that your patternSettings.txt file was created with on the Floordrum.
The editor is able to load settings files form all Floordrum versions that contain the Groove Assist feature. Different versions of this feature might evolve over time but the editor is still able to load and save all of them correctly for the same version of Floordrum. In the future we will also add a Conversion function here to allow transfer of pattern settings between Floordrums with different firmware versions.
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